Vegetables semifinisheds
Steam cooked borage with first quality leaf.
The cooking and pressing processes produce a loss of the aqueous part greater than 30%.
The product is vacuum packed in plastic bags and pasteurized in hot air ovens.
Mixture of dried porcini mushrooms, sliced mushrooms and diced porcini mushrooms, then browned with olive oil and aromatic vegetables.
The cream is vacuum-packed in plastic material bags and pasteurized in a hot air oven.
The potatoes of national production are cooked and flavored with aromas and milk in suitable cookers.
The cream, which is vacuum packed in plastic bags, is pasteurized in hot air ovens.
National red radicchio steamed and then drained.
The finished cream is vacuum packed in plastic bags and pasteurized in hot air ovens.
Fresh yellow pumpkins of domestic production are deprived of woody parts, seeds and integuments and subsequently baked in the oven.
The finished product is vacuum packed in plastic bags and pasteurized in hot air ovens.
Zucchini of domestic production browned with aromas, in a suitable cooker.
The cream, vacuum packed in plastic bags, is subsequently pasteurized.